Emergency Fund: TCP Fundraiser with Anthony P

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Center Project
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Emergency Fund: Fundraiser for TCP - Anthony Plogger

8 donors

raised $550

250 donor goal

The Center Project has been serving the LGBTQIA+ community in Columbia since 2004. Over the last 20 years, we have created numerous programs that support and sustain the safety and livelihood of our queer community members. 

The purpose of The Center Project’s Emergency Fund is to provide immediate, short-term financial support to LGBTQIA+ adults and/or dependents in Mid-Missouri experiencing financial insecurity and lack of support in our community. 

Many local LGBTQIA+ community members find themselves in a position of hardship, such as income inequality, high rates of under- and unemployment, difficulty securing safe housing, high rates of homelessness among LGBTQIA+ youth as a result of family rejection, disparities in access to healthcare, and more. In instances such as these, there can be an immediate financial need that contributes to a greater need for food, shelter, basic hygiene, and personal care supplies. Through the Emergency Fund, these individuals can apply for assistance based on their specific needs. The Emergency Fund is funded by community volunteers and donations. 

During CoMo Gives 2024, I have set a personal goal of $5000 which could help sustain this program. However, I know that is a large number so I have a goal of 250 donations of various amounts. If you are willing and able, I would greatly appreciate any donation you can to support this instrumental program in our community. 

This fundraiser supports

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The Center Project

Organized By Anthony Plogger

Use of Funds

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