Walks and Wags!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Second Chance
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Help us save even more animals in 2025 by contributing to our fundraiser! Thanks for your support!


raised by 4 people

$500 goal

Thank you for considering donating to Columbia Second Chance! Our mission is to advance and support relationships between people and companion pets, specifically dogs and cats, through the acts of rescue, adoption, prevention, and education. We hope you will consider partnering with us to save more animals in 2025!

Why I love Second Chance:

Second Chance and its wonderful volunteers work tirelessly to help save animals lives. Many animals are taken in from situations of uncertainty or neglect. We ensure that these animals are provided with all the love, health care, compassion and resources needed until they find forever homes. We love connecting people with new furry friends! 

For every $10 donated to Second Chance through my peer to peer fundraiser, I will walk 1 mile. Even better, I'll take a rescue pup along each time! Please help raise money for animals in need : ) 

Giving Activity


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